Intro: this site has been created as a rough guide to assist expats and residents of Durrës with basic information on bus routes around the city. These are only internal bus routes; no information is currently available about routes between Durrës and other places in Albania. Only the most useful routes to tourists and expats have been mapped so far, but more will be added later.
Superquick overview: All the buses listed here run from either the Rruga e Dëshmorëve or Rruga Adria at the top of the old town. When the bus arrives, simply enter it and a ticket seller will approach you, so have the correct cash ready to tender. Bus stops in the town centre usually have a shelter and sometimes a bus halt sign but rarely those in more outlying areas. Not every intermediate marker on a map indicates a stop for both directions of travel and due to the method used to determine stop locations, some may have been missed.
You can track your mobile location by hitting the geolocation button under the zoom controls (likely won’t work with a VPN running). Live movement tracking is currently unavailable.
Site created November 2024 for Durres Albania International Expat Group
Many, many thanks to Eneida Hoxhaj for her skill and determination in teasing out timetable information, and her discovery of Gjimi the Bus God. Falaminderit!
Plepa Via Plazh
Start: Rruga e Dëshmorëve South side by Tirana Bank
Terminus: Plepa Bus Station at end of Rruga Pavaresia
First departures: Durres @ 05:45 / Plepa @ 06:00
Last departures: Plepa @ 20:45 / Durres @ 21:05 (possibly later in summer)
Duration: Approx 25 mins
Fare: 40 Lek
Frequency: Approx every 12-15 minutes during the day
Notes: this route serves the length of the area known as Plazh (beach) that runs south of the city’s port and where many expats live. It passes close to the Shkozet train terminal for trains to Elbasan.
Plepa Via Unaza
Start: Rruga e Dëshmorëve South side by Poli’s Café. The bus is always blue with German signage and the destination board on the windscreen reads ‘UNAZE’.
Terminus: Plepa Bus Station at the end of Rruga Unazes
First departures: Durres @ 06:00/06:10 / Plepa @ 06:00/06:10
Last departures: Plepa @ 19:00 / Durres @ 18:30
Duration: Approx 22 mins
Fare: 40 Lek
Frequency: Less frequent than Plazh. Usually every 20 minutes during the day
Notes: this route also arrives at Plepa Bus Station but via Rruga Unazes (the ring road) and not via Plazh.
Start: Rruga e Dëshmorëve South side by Papas Café. The bus is white and pink with a swirl pattern on the side.
Terminus: Curilla terminus at the end of Rruga Curilla
First departures: Center @ 07:00 / Curilla @ 07:30
Last departures: Curilla @ 18:30 / Center @ 18:00 (18:20 in summer tbc)
Duration: Approx 20 mins
Fare: 40 Lek
Frequency: Usually every 30 minutes during the day
Notes: this route passes by the seafront of Vollga, the Venetian Tower and the Amphitheatre. There are stops on the Rruga Egnatia and the stops on the Rruga Taulantia are convenient for seafront bars and restaurants, including the very wonderful Bridge Bar where many expats and local people meet.

Porto Romano
Start: Rruga e Dëshmorëve North side on the corner of Rruga Kassem Durresi
Terminus: Porto Romano terminus at the end of Rruga Aleksandr Goga
First departures: Durrës @ 06:00 / Porto Romano tbc
Last departures: Durrës @ 21:00 / Porto Romano tbc
Duration: Approx 25 mins
Fare: 40 Lek
Frequency: Approx. 10-15 minutes during the day
Notes: this route passes the Durrës Regional Hospital. Alight at Rruga Saritsatlleku for the track through the hills to Kallmi’s eye and the coast.
Start: Durrës main bus station (Pranvera). The bus is either a large red coach or a white minibus.
Terminus: Near Qendra Shëndetësore Golem (Golem Hospital)
First departures: Durrës @ 06:00 / Golem @ 06:30
Last departures: Durrës @ 19:00 / Golem @ 19:30
Duration: Approx 25-30 mins
Fare: 100 Lek
Frequency: Every 30-35 minutes during the day
Notes: This bus also stops near Plepa Bus Station
Start: Rruga Adria South side outside Furrë Bukke at the corner of Bulevardi Dyrrah.
Terminus: Junction of SH49
First departures: Durrës @ 05:45
Last departures: Durrës @ 21:00
Duration: Approx 25 mins
Fare: 40?Lek
Frequency: Usually every 15 minutes during the day
Notes: The operator of this service refers to it as Shkozet but it says Xhafzotaj-Tulla-Durres on the windscreen. It doesn’t go all the way to the area marked as Xhafzotaj on Google Maps but stops about 2km before.
To be added: Shënavlash, Shijak, Universiteti
Disclaimer: all the information presented here is freely accessible. The author takes no responsibility for incorrect times, prices or bus stop locations as these may change without prior notification. The author of this site has no commercial arrangement with any of the companies operating these services and has received no compensation for time spent building it.
All materials ©Keith Lauchlan 2024